School environment
Modern, welcoming, open
Elementary bilingual Czech-English school Sofia School offers modern technology as well as a friendly staff all in the proximity of nature.
The school is situated in the beautiful environment of the municipality of Jirny, which lies only several kilometres from Prague. The school building is situated by a picturesque pond and teaching is often conducted outdoors, in nature. The estate also features a playground with a garden and a gym.
In Sofia School, students have access to modern equipment – every pupil has a personal laptop starting from the second term of the first grade. Every classroom is also equipped with an interactive projection screen. The rooms are equipped with modern and comfortable furniture, logical games and didactic aids (which are used while teaching) and pupils work with interactive textbooks.
The classes in Sofia School feature a small number of students, which permits a personalised approach of the teachers and individual work with every pupil.
Parents can use the household licence of the textbooks to view the contents of teaching. The cooperation of elementary bilingual Czech-English school Sofia School with parents is regular and very open. The parents are informed of their children’s achievements on a weekly basis through a communication portal.
Apart from the after-school club, bilingual Czech-English school Sofia School offers a variety of diverse afternoon extracurricular activities, where the children can entertain themselves, relax, practice sport or further educate themselves.